Monday 25 March 2024

Tiny Investments, Huge Rewards!

  Tiny Investments, Huge Rewards


What if I told you that making tiny investments can bring you huge returns? Would you be interested?

Yes, you would be interested! Making small connections with your child may seem meaningless to many people, but it is tiny investments which will give you huge rewards in the future.

 Imagine talking with someone and the person does not acknowledge you in any way, not even a glance. You wonder if the person can actually hear you. How does it feel when you think someone is ignoring you or does not want to acknowledge you? Most of us don’t like it, yet we do it to others all the time. The worst is that we are doing it to our children.

Most children feels rejected, unwanted, unworthy and under valued. This is not because they are, it is because most of the time or sometimes, we as their parents do not notice them. We do not acknowledge them. Many times children only get negative attention. This is when they do or say things that are unacceptable. The sad part is, we don’t even realize that we are doing it. We are so caught up in our technology that we don’t engage with our children. The irony is that our children does what we teach them to do. When they do it with us, we want to go ballistic. Many times we are not aware of the tiny investments we can make in order for us to receive huge positive returns. 

If you want your child to take note of you, then teach your child how to take note. Look into your child’s eyes when you talk with your child. If your child enters the room, be happy to see your child. May your face light up. Be genuinely interested in what he or she has to say or do. Engage with your child. Did you know, for a child to feel loved, there must be a connection. One of the easiest ways for me, to connect with children, are with my eyes. Look in your child’s eyes when he or she speaks. Put down your digital device. Be present. Ask questions. Listen intently. Be there for your child. It does not cost you anything. Years from now you will be grateful you made these tiny investments which are giving you huge returns. 

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