Monday 25 September 2017

You Have More Patience Than You Realise.

I don't have Patience!

Many times I have heard how people say that they do not have patience and I could not understand how this is possible, especially a child of God. So today I woke up with the idea that I need to help someone who is struggling with Patience. To cultivate Patience one need to understand what it means. Patience simply means the ability to be present while waiting.(my own dictionary) Let me explain. Instead of being agitated while standing in a long line at the grocer, thinking about what you have to do next and you will be late if this line does not go any faster...BE PRESENT. Do something that keeps you occupied while waiting. Talk with the people in the line. Look at the prices. Observe the people around you. Notice what is happening in the shop. Pray for the people in the shop. Look in their trolleys and be grateful that you live in a land where all this abundance is possible. Thank God for providing for all of us. Appreciate the fact that the tellers are doing their best to serve you. Plan in your mind something kind to say to the teller when it is your turn. BE PRESENT and before you know it your WAITING is over and it is your time to be served.

Yesterday, my family and I went to the shops. My eldest daughter had to go into a small shop that was very busy and my husband needed to go to another shop. We decided to split and he would go with our youngest daughter while I wait for my eldest daughter. We had to get each other at a certain place whoever got there first would WAIT. While I WAITED for Rominique a lady came with her trolley next to me explaining to her child that she is just going into the shop. She told the three year old child to WAIT for her in the trolley. As you can imagine this did not sit well with me and I reprimanded this lady strongly. I told her that she should NEVER leave her child anywhere alone, not at this age. She should take her child with her. This lady was shocked but did not dare saying anything, she saw I was not going to allow her do it. She just stood there not knowing what to do. I told her to take her child with her I will take care of her trolley which was full of groceries. This lady did not even ask my name or anything, she just thanked me and went in the shop. I stood there thanking God for this opportunity to WAIT to assist this lady. She trusted me and did not even know me.

My daughter came and went back in as she forgot something. Most people would be irritated by now but I was happy as I could now still take care of this ladies trolley. Rominique could not understand why I was standing with two trolleys. The lady came back and I reminded her that her child is her most prized possession. She should never consider doing something like that again. The lady thanked me and took out a R20.00 for my services. I rejected it as this was my blessing to help someone getting paid for it would mean this is my job. I was so grateful for this opportunity to help someone while WAITING. When Rominique came I told her what happened and she could understand clearly.

We went to the spot where we had to meet the rest of the family. While WAITING for them I received a call that someone was waiting for me at home. I almost became impatient as I was wondering where my husband and Lemuella were. Then I remembered to make the time of WAITING count for my benefit. My daughter and I had a lovely time catching up, being alone as we are seldom alone. While we stood there a guy came to us. He told us where he was from and what he did that day and has to go home but cannot get access to his money in the bank and the banks are closed. He needed money to buy petrol to get home. I gave him R100.00 asking only his name during that whole ‘conversation’. Whether he was telling the truth or not, this was something beautiful for my daughter to see. After the man left she said to me, “Mommy that is why you are always so blessed. You do not work but you always have money.” I just smiled thanking God for this opportunity of teaching my child to be kind. Yes we had no time to be PATIENT as we had opportunities to be a blessing while WAITING.

Remember now for next time when you have to WAIT, make it count. Enjoy the moment BE PRESENT and create beautiful memories for yourself...or even make new friends. I trust that you will never again say that you do not have PATIENCE. GOD gave you the fruit of the SPIRIT and this includes PATIENCE as well. YOU HAVE PATIENCE JUST USE IT BY BEING PRESENT IN THE MOMENT.

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